Learn more about the extra precautionary measures we are taking amid COVID-19 concerns
People can inherit many health conditions from their parents. However, not all disorders are hereditary. Since that’s the case, many people wonder is bipolar disorder hereditary. This question comes up frequently because this disorder has become more common over the years.
Research Center
Mental Health Awareness Month 2019 is just around the corner. Celebrated in May each year, its goal is to make people aware of the importance of mental health treatment. Learn more about national mental health awareness month and how you can become involved.
There is little denying that mental health issues will interfere with a person’s quality of life. At times, conditions like depression and anxiety can be very debilitating. In such cases or when behavioral issues become part of the package, the effects of such issues could also impact other people.
For millions of people in the United States, achieving whole wellness is a struggle. However, if you or a loved one suffers from a problem with addiction, mental health, or chronic pain, there is help available.
Something’s not right, and you know it. Maybe you have sudden bouts of anxiety. Perhaps you feel sad even though things are going well. Clinical mental health counseling can help.